eighth house
counseling and coaching
by means of Jungian astrology
“No one develops his personality because somebody tells him that it would be useful or advisable to do so. Nature has never yet been taken in by well-meaning advice. The only thing that moves nature is causal necessity, and that goes for human nature too. […] The developing personality obeys no caprice, no command, no insight, only brute necessity; it needs the motivating force of inner or outer fatalities. ”
C. G. Jung

I am Kristóf Csörnyei, an astrologer with a Jungian perspective. I created the “Eighth House” to support and encourage my fellow human beings who turn to me in the process of spiritual fulfillment — which sometimes drives the boat of our lives into very turbulent waters. The support I offer consists of the (over 4,000-year-old) experience and teachings of Western astrology on the one hand, and my own life experience, self-knowledge, intuition, and empathy on the other.
During the self-knowledge development consultations I provide, the psychological analysis of the birth horoscope (radix), including the Jungian analytical approach, plays a central role. Since our radix shows our basic spiritual tendencies and potentials in the language of a complex symbol system, divided into areas of life, it can help us to shed new light on our problems and obstacles — which, in my opinion, is the greatest blessing of astrology.
Ultimately, of course, only you can accomplish self-development. I can merely inspire you to consciously open doors in your soul that will lead you to a deeper understanding and full acceptance of yourself. During our work, we may knock on and look behind a few doors, and the direction is shown by your personal horoscope — which is unique and unrepeatable, just like you and this particular life of yours.
Rule of three

1. The key to change is self-knowledge and self-acceptance.
I am convinced that our emotional tensions and trials can ultimately lead us toward self-fulfillment. However, an essential prerequisite for this is transforming our complexes into constructive and creative sources of energy during the process of self-discovery and self-acceptance.
Therefore, if I had to formulate in one sentence what I consider the primary goal of my counseling work, I would say: to assist others in shaping a more authentic and complete self-image, in which the tension between conscious and unconscious "parts" diminishes. Thus, current obstacles or conflicts are seen in a new light.
That is why, whatever you come to me with, please bear in mind that, at best, I can only inspire your inherent self-healing abilities. Even if we shed light on certain things together that were previously hidden in the "darkness" of your unconscious, the subsequent self-acceptance is something only you can accomplish—specifically through your free (conscious) will, the power of which should never be underestimated.

2. The topics of the "eighth house" require serious in-depth study
and persistent spiritual work.
During our sessions, any aspect of the eighth house can arise. Therefore, it might be helpful for you to know which psychological areas are symbolized by the most contradictory house in the birth chart, which inspired the name of my counseling practice.
The eighth house (or the Pluto/Scorpio domain analogous to it) symbolizes one of the most crucial aspects of human compulsion: the need for persistent research into the core, origins, and hidden motives of things, determinedly seeking the most essential starting point and fundamental building block. It also reflects our fear of death and our life instinct—our psychological drive both to destroy, dismantle, and eradicate, as well as to regenerate, rebuild, and be reborn. Thus, our internal conflicts, crises, and struggles are all themes of the eighth house, each hiding the potential for complete transformation and spiritual rebirth. This house also encompasses human tendencies toward extremes and radicalism, the desire for power, the ability to manipulate, every psychological aspect of sexuality, and latent, hidden talents and abilities waiting to unfold within the unconscious mind.
Lastly, but not least, the eighth house symbolizes our unconscious attitudes and expectations towards our fellow human beings, especially our partners.
In the context of Jungian psychology, this house represents the personal unconscious and the complexes residing within it, the shadow, the inner psychological representative (the anima or animus), and the mechanism of projection (the projection of our own unconscious onto the external world).

3. Change yourself on the "inside" so that you don't want to change
others on the "outside"!
In light of all this, I can promise you one thing for sure: after dedicated research into the mysteries of the eighth house, your life can change forever, and doors can open within you and in front of you that you never dared to dream of before. Most importantly, if you have done your work well, you won't want to change the world anymore, as during your psychic metamorphosis, you will realize that the world around us always changes in harmony with the world within us.
The long-awaited collective change of humanity can only be born from individual transformation. The key prerequisite for this is voluntary cooperation with our own unconscious and the resulting processes of becoming conscious. I offer you assistance in this journey if you feel the need for it and if you are curious enough to honor me with your trust.
Client reviews

About the consultation

My philosophy as a consulting astrologer
The role of the birth chart is undoubtedly crucial, yet it's far from sufficient for a successful consultation. Without your personal story and our interaction, delving into deep analyses of it would be meaningless. Contrary to common belief, the birth chart contains no concrete facts; it merely hints at possibilities in the form of a complex system of symbols. The celestial bodies depicted in the horoscope symbolize nothing but the eternal basic motifs of human existence, or, in Jungian terms, the archetypes manifesting within and through us — expressed with the noble simplicity of the Emerald Tablet: "as above, so below", and "as within, so without".
As the horoscope reveals only spiritual and physical potential, it's impossible to determine, without a thorough understanding, in what form and at what level of development (i.e., consciousness) a specific individual embodies the complex archetypal patterns of their psyche. Therefore, although I deeply immerse myself in your birth chart before our session, initially, the floor will be yours, and I will listen to you (assisting with guiding questions if necessary). Afterward, I will apply my knowledge and intuition collectively to determine, based on what you share and what I observe, what requires deeper introspection. Naturally, I approach every question and problem holistically because everything is interconnected, and often, the "simpler" the questions, the less straightforward the answers. Genuine self-awareness work induced by the right questions can lead to honest answers and real solutions, and your birth chart serves as an excellent compass in this process.
In light of all this, I don't wish to rigidly define or establish specific consultation frameworks, detailing what questions and problems you can bring to me or the precise sequence in which we address them. Every individual psyche is unique, and there's no method that suits everyone in the same way—this is particularly true for spirituality. For this reason, the following overview of the three main "types" of consultation is only intended to serve as an incentive, since they actually only differ from each other in that they approach the same unique topic from a different perspective—namely You. During a consultation, these can even be combined, since they are inextricably linked.

1. Self-awareness and shadow-work
We examine the hidden aspects of your personality that might hinder you in the process of individuation. Your psychological reading of your natal chart provides an unparalleled tool for this. Our goal is to recognize and bring into consciousness those unconscious patterns that, through projections, can negatively impact your life.
Jungian psychology refers to the personality's unconscious side as the shadow, which still remains unconscious, leading a quasi-independent life within the psyche's unconscious realm. We tend to project our shadow onto others, often onto close relatives, and encounter it in the form of intense emotions seemingly triggered by them. During this process, our consciousness often holds the external world events and certain behaviors of our fellow human beings responsible, while the entire mechanism originates from our own psyche's unconscious regions. The most critical aspect of our projected complexes is that they literally drain energy from other psychological areas, energy that could be used to develop our hidden talents and achieve our creative goals. With dedicated shadow work, we can liberate a significant portion of this bound energy and consciously invest it in something that genuinely contributes to our personal growth and self-realization.
It's no mere coincidence that the lotus flower became the symbol of my counseling practice. Its roots clinging to the mud, it submerges every night in turbid waters, spending the entire night at the dark, muddy bottom. Yet every morning, it resurfaces in unchanged splendor, as if drawing its radiant beauty from the darkness. This analogy holds true for humans as well. The primary condition for a spiritually mature, meaningfully lived life in harmony with the cosmos is that the conscious aspect of the psyche establishes a harmonious relationship with the unconscious. Once this harmony is achieved, yin and yang will no longer sabotage but support each other.

2. General forecast (prognosis)
Here, we examine the significant tendencies that await you in the near future (1-2 years) which you must absolutely consider on a spiritual level. I determine these using various prognostic techniques (directions, progressions, transits, and solar returns), but we can only discuss their individual manifestations after I have gained a comprehensive understanding of your life during our conversation.
The purpose of this kind of counseling is, of course, not to "outsmart" your destiny or attempt to avoid making urgent decisions in the present. Its benefit lies in providing your consciousness the opportunity to attune itself and prepare for certain future currents. Prognostic methods can certainly determine their fundamental archetypal nature, but the specific manifestation and emotional experience are influenced by individual factors such as the level of basic consciousness or the extent of fear regarding necessary transformation. Paradoxically, astrological prognostics can alleviate the latter by addressing with great awareness the undeniable fact of life's constant, cyclical changes.
There are two types of development toward our ultimate goal—growth through consciousness: voluntary and compelled. If we are unwilling to learn voluntarily from life experiences, signs, dreams, intuitions, thoughts, and emotions—and thereby evolve through them—eventually, fate itself will force us to do so. Hence, there is no astrological transit to fear, as ultimately, each one is meant to support our individuation—by contributing to our psychological development in a specific way. It's solely up to us whether we willingly surrender ourselves to the cosmic script—feeling completeness through the conscious acceptance of our designated role or task—or whether we resist it out of ego, thus slowing down or even sabotaging the "cosmically" timed process of our psychological evolution.

3. Consultation on specific topics/life areas
Certainly, we can discuss specific problem areas and questions as well. The hidden, complex, and often hard-to-define contradictions of our psyche usually manifest in specific and precisely definable areas of life, often in the form of (internal) doubts and (external) conflicts. Since your natal chart contains information about every important area of your life, there is hardly any question that we cannot thoroughly examine based on it. Whether it's about family, children, friends, colleagues, studies, work, career, finances, sexuality, love, relationships, marriage, health, talents, or specific future plans—whenever you are plagued by doubts or find yourself in inner conflict regarding any subject, questions based on your natal chart, followed by introspection, always help in stripping things down and seeing the essence more clearly.
It's important for you to know that even if you come to me with "simple" (or straightforward) questions, I never provide answers for you. Since the fundamental requirement for a good decision is that it comes entirely from within, I consider it unethical for an astrologer or any advisor to assume the authority to make decisions on certain matters. However, I do not reject the work with specific questions at all, as it can be very targeted in conducting internal exploration. Therefore, profound questions like "should I speak up at my workplace?" or "is it a good decision to stay in this relationship?" or "how should I tackle this challenging task?" can definitely help in concretizing the direction for our self-reflective work. Hence, please don't be surprised if, eventually, your questions about another person lead us back to you—because ultimately, it's never someone else causing internal conflicts; it's always about our relationship with ourselves ("so within, so without...").
Booking Guidelines

First Time as a New Client
As a new client, the first consultation is 90 minutes long and costs 25,000 HUF. This includes the time I spend preparing, as before our session, I thoroughly delve into your birth chart, as well as your current transits and progressions (prognostic methods). I don't offer a one-hour consultation for the first session because that time would be insufficient for us to have a conversation with the necessary complexity and depth, given the lack of prior knowledge.
Birth Time
Since I need your exact birth time down to the minute to create your birth chart, please inform me during the scheduling if the provided time is only approximate and to what extent. Based on this, I can determine whether it is necessary or even possible to rectify the birth time based on major life events (this always happens before the consultation). Please note that while we can conduct a general self-awareness session even with an unknown birth time (based on the planets in signs and their aspects to one another), this type of horoscope analysis has its limitations. Also, if the uncertainty about the birth time is greater than a one-hour time frame, I do not undertake to rectify the birth time.
Discounted Consultation for Returning Clients
If you decide to continue self-development sessions after the first appointment or return within a year, you will receive a discount as a returning client: the longer 90-minute consultation will cost only 20,000 HUF, and the shorter 60-minute consultation will be 17,000 HUF for you.
Gift Card
You also have the opportunity to surprise someone you love with a gift card on a special occasion or holiday.
This voucher entitles the recipient to a first-time, 90-minute self-development consultation (in person or online), and it must be used within a maximum of 6 months after receiving it.
Since the appointment booking system unfortunately requires selecting a date to finalize the reservation, please choose any date a few weeks away. Don't worry, I will delete this from my calendar immediately after receiving the reservation, as the final appointment is always coordinated with the recipient of the voucher.
During the booking, I will need the billing details of the gift-giver, and I will naturally issue the invoice in their name. As for the recipient's information, you only need to provide their name during the reservation process — shortly afterward, I will send you the voucher in their name via email in PDF format (here you can view a sample). After you have handed over the voucher in printed or digital form, your loved one will need to contact me via email or phone to coordinate the appointment and provide their birth details.
More About the Appointment Booking Process
You can easily and quickly book the most suitable time for you for personal or online consultations in my online scheduling system. After booking, you will immediately receive a confirmation email. If it involves online credit card payment or pre-bank transfer, I will send you the related invoice through the szamla.hu system shortly after finalizing the reservation. If you choose an online session, I will also send you the Google Meet link for the video call in an email invitation.
During the booking, you can briefly mention the purpose or topics you want to address in our sessions (although this is not mandatory; you can also discuss this during the consultation). If you prefer to elaborate on this beforehand or have questions about any other aspect of the consultation, feel free to contact me via email (nyolcadikhaz@gmail.com). You can also reach me using the form under the "Contact and Location" menu, or send an iMessage or WhatsApp message to +36 30 958 18 02.
Payment Methods
For first-time and online consultations, as well as gift vouchers: online debit/credit card payment during the appointment booking (via Stripe's secure system), or bank transfer in advance (in this case, please choose the cash payment option during the reservation, and I will soon send you the invoice with the necessary details for the transfer).
For personal consultations as a returning client: cash payment.
For multiple-session consultation packages: bank transfer in advance.
Discretion, Data Processing and Protection
I treat what is said during our sessions with complete discretion. I assure you that I only need your birth data down to the minute for the creation of your birth chart, and, in line with the General Data Protection Regulation, I handle and store it extremely confidentially, along with your other personal data. Therefore, it is mandatory to accept the terms of the Data Processing and Data Protection Declaration when scheduling an appointment or using the message-sending form.
It is crucial to emphasize that the self-awareness development sessions and supportive conversations I provide are not intended to replace the therapeutic processes carried out by clinical psychologists or psychiatrists, nor are they a substitute for psychiatric treatments. The main purpose of the consultations is to develop self-awareness and stimulate self-acceptance through a personalized map, namely, the birth chart, rather than to replace a potentially justified therapeutic process.
Rules Regarding Appointment Changes and Cancellations
Free modification of the reserved time is possible up to 48 hours before the consultation. If a request for time change is received after this period, you must pay half of the consultation fee, as I may have reserved a specific time slot for you for weeks, which was taken away from other clients.
For complete cancellations (without scheduling a new appointment), the following rules apply: if the cancellation is made more than 5 business days before the consultation, I will refund the full amount, deducting a 2% transaction fee. If you go beyond this but are still within 48 hours, I will refund 50%; between 48 and 24 hours, I will refund only 30%. In the case of a complete cancellation within 24 hours of the consultation, I will not refund any amount paid, and the same applies if you fail to appear at the consultation without prior notice.
Appointment booking

1 hr 30 min
25,000 Hungarian forints1 hr 30 min
25,000 Hungarian forints1 hr 30 min
20,000 Hungarian forints1 hr 30 min
20,000 Hungarian forints1 hr
17,000 Hungarian forints1 hr
17,000 Hungarian forints1 hr 30 min
25,000 Hungarian forints1 hr 30 min
1 hr 30 min
25,000 Hungarian forints1 hr 30 min
25,000 Hungarian forints1 hr 30 min
20,000 Hungarian forints1 hr 30 min
20,000 Hungarian forints1 hr
17,000 Hungarian forints1 hr
17,000 Hungarian forints1 hr 30 min
25,000 Hungarian forintsHere you can book your personal or online appointment if you have received a gift card.
1 hr 30 min
Location & contact

eighth house
counseling and coaching by means of Jungian astrology
Kristóf Csörnyei
Address: 1147 Budapest, Telepes utca 33.
Mail: nyolcadikhaz@gmail.com
Phone: +36 30 958 18 02 (able to receive iMessage és WhatsApp messages)
Web: www.nyolcadikhaz.com
Blog & writings

Sorry, my writings are currently only available in Hungarian.
About me

I was born on October 29, 1993 in Keszthely, at 7:08 a.m. You can view my birth chart here. Among other things, I am a Western astrologer working with a psychological, including a Jungian approach. Regarding my qualification, I did a humanities major in Dutch studies, graduated in 2015. I worked for several years as a Dutch and English language teacher (in both individual and group education), and a total of 7 years as an HR-professional in the world of multinationals. In 2017, I moved to the Netherlands, where my personality development underwent a "quantum leap": it was there that I came into deep contact with astrology for the first time. "Astrology for Lovers" by Liz Greene was the first to come into my hands, and then dozens of books on similar topics — and soon enough my attitude towards the phenomena and experiences of life changed forever. After several months of intensive self-education, I enrolled in Dick van der Mark's school, where I received a sufficiently holistic education and was able to thoroughly familiarize myself with many, and at first glance, seemingly contradictory aspects of astrology.
Given that I've been reading Jung since I was 16, and that I've always been a huge "lover" of Jungian analytical psychology —including self-improvement using the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) — it's perhaps no surprise that my astrological approach and consultation method was most inspired by Dutch-born Jungian astrologer Karen Hamaker-Zondag. Her approach is very similar to the way the world-famous Liz Greene, Robert Hand, Stephen Arroyo, Jeff Mayo or even Dane Rudhyar approach astrology. In my opinion, however, Hamaker-Zondag developed the foundations of the Jungian approach (in the form of almost 40 published books), which provides the individual with the most effective tools to get to know and understand the conscious and less conscious functioning of his psyche in a deeper way with the help of his birth horoscope — thus promoting the spiritual transformation, during which self-acceptance and the desire to change are simultaneously inspired.
In 2021, I moved home from the Netherlands and founded my own business under the fictitious name "The Eighth House", through which I offer and lead self-awareness consultations and processes for those who come to me. The choice of name was inspired by two important aspects. On the one hand, I mostly invite my clients here, i.e., to intensive self-discovery analogous to the eighth house. Instead of giving black-and-white and yes-or-no answers, the focus of my sessions is to facilitate dialectical development, that is, to combine the conscious and unconscious contents of the psyche, creating an interaction between these two psychic realities — which hopefully fulfills and exceeds these two in a third, i.e. synthesis. Of course, as a helper, no one can carry out self-development for others, which is why I always consider it important to emphasize that I only inspire my guests to discover new dimensions in their own souls with a conscious intention, breaking down walls that until then stood in the way of a better understanding of themselves, and in the process of self-acceptance and transformation.
On the other hand, as a Scorpio- and Pluto-dominant individual that I am, the fundamental life themes of the eighth house are absolutely not "foreign" to me, i.e. cathartic sexuality, death, material and spiritual loss, grief, rebirth, transformation, projection attachments, secrets, and so on. At the age of 19-20, I witnessed and accompanied my mother's protracted cancer, physical and mental deterioration, and finally her death, which by definition sealed my further life path — today I feel that, ultimately, in an absolutely constructive sense. In my own self-awareness and therapy processes, I first of all had to become aware of the harmful and beneficial effects of parentification on my personality in order to be able to live in peace with myself. Like everyone else, I have my qualities and things that need constant attention and development, and it is extremely important to me that my "persona" as a counselor does not falsely give the impression of perfection. However, I would like to convey to each and every one of my guests — as a kind of spiritual motto — that even in this "great imperfection" it is possible to feel sincere, deep and nourishing love for ourselves and our fellow human beings. In fact, perhaps true love for ourselves and others is only possible by being aware of our human imperfection...